5 Root Causes Of Procrastination
While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away."
-- Seneca
Procrastination happens when we feel negative emotions — anxiety, fatigue, disappointment, overwhelm — toward an assignment. Since these feelings are awkward (they in a real sense caused pain in our brains!), we attempt to keep away from them. Subsequently, we procrastinate.
It's consistently a similar story. We need to accomplish something, however, but end up doing something else that feels better. All in all, we run away from our negative thoughts and emotions.
At its very core, procrastination is an emotion management problem. It will consistently come down to that all-important moment of facing a task, encountering the negative feelings related to it, and doing the task despite those negative emotions.
Here are the five main root causes I have identified:
1.The Fear Of A Perfectionist
Procrastination is a subconscious fear of failure sometimes.
You don't have to face up to the real (and generally imagined) negative consequences if you put off a job long enough. The stress of making things "just right" can be too much if you are a sticker for minor details, and cause you to postpone continuing the task.
Either way, anxiety is the root cause and can sabotage your desire to move forward.
How to Tackle It
Try to imagine the completion of your mission in a constructive way.
For example, you have a presentation that your boss wants you to make for a potential client. Visualize yourself confidently standing in the conference room, conference the client's eyes, and watching them light up as you describe the idea in a straightforward and concise way.
Imagine your boss asking you just how good your presentation was. Think about how you're going to feel and reflect on this when you move forward with the mission.
There is no perfection. Simply put the best effort in order to know that's what you can do. This is going to help you stop thinking, "Why am I procrastinating?
2.Full of Ideas But Lack of Action
This is an individual who is extremely imaginative and has a lot of great ideas, but he can't seem to bring them to reality.
The main reason for this is that there is generally no structure or goal-setting involved once the idea has been created. This aimless approach ends up manifesting a lack of decision-making and major delays in the project.
How to Tackle It
When you've got the idea, write down the timetable for what you want to do and when. Ideally, do this on a regular basis to keep you on track and accountable. Creative minds tend to hop from one idea to the next, so it's important to cultivate concentration.
For example, if you really are designing and creating a new product at work, set out a task list for the coming week with the steps you want to concentrate on each day. Doing this in advance will avoid the mind from wandering through different ideas.
3.The Overwhelmed Avoider
This is one of the most popular responses to the question, "Why am I procrastinating? "The sheer overwhelm of a daunting task.
The difficulty of a task can cause the brain to lose motivation and avoid doing it altogether, preferring instead to stay in its comfort zone.
The search then begins with a more enjoyable task, and the tougher tasks are put off. This can cause stress and dread as the task inevitably comes to an end.
How to Tackle It
Split the challenge down into smaller tasks, and individually tackle each one.
For instance, if you have a project that has technical elements that you know you're going to find difficult, list each step you need to take to complete these challenging elements. Think of ways you can resolve potential hurdles.
4.Someone Who Lacks Prioritization
If you ask, "Why am I going to procrastinate? "It could be that either you have too many tasks or you do not really understand the different significance of each task. The consequence, huh? Having nothing done about it.
Time is spent continually moving from one job to another, or wasting too much time determining what to do.
This is also the case for people who want to multitask or have a lot of things to do all the time. Things can get mixed up, and prioritization can become a matter of concern.
How to Tackle It
.Long to-do lists begin to pile up, and this leads to procrastination. Seeing a long list of tasks will frustrate us so much that we choose to give them up entirely. The To-Do Today approach is there to help you complete the most critical and urgent tasks every day, while also helping you prioritize work on your calendar and limit new tasks. With this help, you'll be able to manage a lot more in a day, with less stress and tiredness.
5.Decision Paralysis
The number of opportunities the world provides today is overwhelming. Modern culture admires individual rights in the belief that the freer people are, the happier they will be. So why aren't people happier today than they were in the past? Because with more freedom to make our own decisions and to carry out our actions, we have become easily confused about what is a priority, what is important and what is not, and what is right and wrong, and thus we have become demotivated to do anything at all.
How to Tackle It
We need to set our values and personal visions straight and to cultivate our good habits. This is the important thing that will help us overcome not only the procrastination but all the other obstacles that life brings.
What procrastination is not:
Procrastination is not laziness;
Procrastinators sometimes avoid doing stuff, leave it until the very last moment, or even waste their time looking at the wall. But be alert, procrastination is not synonymous with laziness.
Lazy people, just don't do anything, and they're all fine with it. Procrastinators, on the other hand, have a desire to do something, but they can't push themselves to proceed.
Relaxation is not procrastination
Don't confuse procrastination with relaxation. Relaxing recharges you with energy. On the other side, procrastination drains it from you. The less energy you have, the more anxious or even depressed you may have become, and the higher the chances of putting off your responsibilities are.
“And then what?”
The goal is not just to get started — it's to keep going. For the rest of their lives, nobody wants to read one page a day. For me, this technique is all about getting used to doing something every day.
Look, it's not easy to change your lifestyle. Let's say you've been living in some way for 30 years now. What are you expecting? That you change overnight, huh? You and I both know it's going to take time. And we need to shift our perspective accordingly.
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